What is Speech-Language Therapy?

Typically, when we think of a Speech Language Pathologist, we think of someone who helps children master their “r” sound or “l” sound.  Speech-language therapy is so much more than that!

By definition, Speech-language therapy is an area of expertise whereby a speech-language pathologist  works to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing disorders in children and adults (http://asha.org).   Speech language therapy can target pragmatic language,which is the social language we use with others. This includes body position, turn taking, and perspective taking. This aspect also helps children with their individual social interactions such as knowing when it is there turn to talk and staying on topic.  Speech-language therapy also addresses expressive language (understanding what is being said to you), receptive language (being able to correctly express your thoughts to others), articulation (making correct speech sounds), phonological awareness (understanding and being able to manipulate each sound of the alphabet), and swallowing disorders.  This website gives more information about each of these areas: http://www.asha.org/Students/Speech-Language-Pathologists/  This link is a terrific resource for understanding milestones for children: http://www.asha.org/public/speech/development/

Therapy can take place any time of life from pediatrics to geriatrics in a private practice, in your home, a hospital, a school, rehabilitation facilities or long-term care facilitates.  Speech Pathologists begin with testing to determine the exact area of needs to address.  

I would love to connect with you to give you more information about what speech-language therapy would look like for your child.  After evaluating your child’s needs, we will sit down together and go over the results and answer all of your questions. I’ll show you the areas of needs that I can address through speech-language therapy and give you tips for helping your child at home.  Not sure if speech-language therapy is what your child needs or have further questions? Please reach out to me and we can schedule a time to talk on the phone to answer all of your questions.

You can contact me anytime at confidentsolutions7@gmail.com. Please put Speech-language therapy in the subject line.  I look forward to talking with you!

With Gratitude,




And the Winner Is…

Thank you for all of your nominations letting us know how special and unique your child’s teacher is!  We have enjoyed reading them!

The winner of the $50.00 Target gift card is Jennifer Flowers with Cabarrus County Schools.  She is a first grade teacher who, according to her teacher nomination, has “demonstrated a positive, collaborative, supportive approach of care towards her student as well as the parents”.  We are thankful for teachers like Ms. Flowers who are willing to go that extra step helping a child succeed.

Every teacher that was nominated will receive a hand crafted card of thanks.


Wishing your families a Happy Thanksgiving holiday!

With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy

Middle Schoolers OTB (Outside The Box) Club

Please click here for the registration form registration-for-middle-school-otb-club

Middle school can be a challenging time socially.  It can be especially challenging understanding the “hidden” social rules, nonverbal language and all of the “grey” areas that exist.  Beginning in January, we will host a middle school hang out for teaching, learning, and practicing all of those grey areas in a fun environment.   The classes will be the second and fourth Friday of every month from 6:30-7:30 p.m.  Each class, of no more than ten, will be a diverse group of students.  The mixture of 6th-8th graders will be students who need to strengthen their overall social skills with kids who have strong social skills.  We feel it is important to be able to support this age range in more of a natural environment with peers so they can have help in bringing awareness and strengthen  self-monitoring skills to “grey” area situations.  For example, grey areas may consist of times such as losing a game, having someone being perceived as “cheating”, or knowing how to start and hold a conversation socially with a peer or group of peers.

The cost for each class is $20.00.  Upcoming dates are listed below. Registration will remain open unless a class becomes full.  Any full classes will be listed on our website. You may register ahead of time to reserve your child’s spot. You also have the option of registering the week of the class (as long as it is not full).

To register, please fill out at least one registration form found in the link above and e-mail it to us at confidentsolutions7@gmail.com.  We will send you a PayPal link to complete your registration. All classes are held at 9700 Research Dr., Suite 132, Charlotte, NC 28262.

Upcoming Dates:

January 13th

January 27th

February 10th

February 24th

March 10th

March 24th

We are excited about this particular group of classes as we help support our middle school children gain tools in being more successful socially in their natural environments! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to drop us a note at confidentsolutions7@hotmail.com.


With Appreciation,

Wendy and Christina


Free Class on Understanding the Components to an IEP

Please join us on Wednesday, December 12 for a free parent/guardian class on understanding the components to an IEP.

9700 Research Dr., Suite 132, Charlotte, NC 28262

There will be two free sessions offered: 10:00-11:00 a.m. and 12:00-1:00.

We are able to host ten people per class.  Please RSVP to confidentsolutions7@gmail.com to let us know you are coming and which session you will attending.

We look forward to seeing you!

With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy


Friday’s Inspiration


With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy

Upcoming Holiday Session

We will be opening registration for our next social skills groups next week! This next session will be slightly different.  We will continue to have separate small groups, however, the focus of this session will be to begin teaching an understanding of social expectations around the holiday seasons as well as tools for coping with stress.  There will be more specific details about the sessions with the registration post.

The dates for the next session will be: November 13th, November 20th, December 4th, and December 11th.  There will be three groups meeting at a time: A sibling group  (optional), a parent group (required), and a group for your child learning specific social skills.  

Be sure to check our website next Monday with details about the classes and information on how to register.

With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy
