October is ADHD Awareness Month

October is awareness month for ADHD. We wanted to share some resources for understanding ADHD whether it’s for yourself, for you to share with family members, or with your child’s school.  Having awareness and understanding is the first step in helping a child. 

Read here for understanding symptoms of ADHD:

Here it uncovers myths and misunderstandings about ADHD:

The Science of ADHD:


ADHD and Advocacy:

Can your child with ADHD receive an IEP or a 504 plan? 

For an excellent magazine on ADD, check out ADDitude:

The three types of ADHD:

A fabulous website for information on learning and attention:

A quick one minute video summarizing ADHD:


If you have questions about where to start or how to continue on your journey with ADD/ADHD, our door is always open! Please reach out to us at confidentsolutions7@gmail.com.

With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy

Please visit ADDitude’s website for more truths about ADHD. https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-is-not-fake/

Free Parent/Guardian IEP October Class

We hope you all have had a wonderful summer and school is off to a terrific start.  We would love to help you prepare for any meetings or communication with your child’s school through understanding the components of your child’s IEP.  Our next free parent/guardian class will be held on Wednesday, October 11th. Due to the needs of families, this class is more of a drop in time from 12:00-1:00. Please join us during this time at your convenience and bring any paperwork or questions you have. We are finding it to be most helpful for families to have the opportunity to ask individual questions about an IEP process or specific parts of an IEP rather than have a formal class. We still love to hear that you’re able to drop in! Please send  an e-mail to confidentsolutions7@gmail.com  Classes are held at 1905 JN Pease Pl, Suite 201, Charlotte, NC 28262. We look forward to seeing you!

With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy



A New School Year

A new school year already! This can bring feelings of excitement as well as anxiety.  One thing you can to do prepare for the new school year is to begin communicating with your child’s teacher.  Who else knows him or her like you do? Communication is a critical piece in your partnership with your child’s school. We recommend writing an e-mail or a letter to your child’s new teacher telling them all about your child.  We previously wrote a post about this but feel it’s important to share again. You can find the past post here Communicating with Your Child’s Teacher which also includes a link for a template on how to write a letter and communicate.

As the year progresses, keep that communication line open.  Here is a  link to the Wrightslaw website on how to write an effective letter to your child’s school pertaining to any EC needs or concerns http://www.wrightslaw.com/advoc/articles/letters.draft.htm

If you would like help on how to begin or tools for communicating with your child’s school, please reach out to us at confidentsolutions7@gmail.com.

Cheers to the start of a fantastic year!

With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy



Social Learning

Recently, we read an article where a physician was quoted as saying kids do “what they can.”  This is very true whether we’re talking about children utilizing good social skills, reading on their grade level, or learning math facts.  It’s not a child’s “fault” that they are not understanding or implementing good social skills naturally.  However, as adults, we tend to have those expectations when it comes to social skills and then try to manage those “behaviors.”

If a child is struggling  learning to read, we teach that child unique ways to learn maybe through phonics, or blending patterns. If a child is struggling with concepts in math, we offer ways of support such as tutoring and breaking down the concepts until they understand the steps. Social skills really are the same.  In school a student will typically have to pull a card, lose a buck or sit at the quiet table. Teachers and administrators report that a child is struggling understanding and utilizing good social skills but the actual skills are not being taught or supported.

Just like special strategies can be implemented to teach a child to read, there are curriculums and specialists who can teach your child social skills. Both types of teaching express the importance of having a strong support network for your child as well as practicing the skills that are being taught.  When we are teaching a child phonics, we would then expect and set up situations where they are practicing the phonic skill. Social skills are the same in that, as children are learning how to “think” about thinking, having a support network of parents/guardians and teachers to help them practice the skills is necessary.

Our social skills classes are called Mindful Thinking for Social Expectations.  Our classes run six-week sessions with each session having a unique focus.  If this is your first time joining a social skills group or if your child has specific “behaviors” that you are unsure how to teach, we recommend beginning with our self-awareness, self-monitoring, and self-control classes.  We currently are teaching a session on “play” which includes how to enter and engage in play, how to read nonverbal language, and beginning to understand other people have thoughts and perspectives.  We keep our class sizes small so the students have the ability to interact and practice the social skills they are learning. This also enables us to offer more individualized instruction.

We also believe empowering parents is important. In conjunction to the student class, we have a parent group that meets at the same time.  The parents are learning information on the importance of reinforcing and practicing the skills their child is learning.

We also offer a teacher letter each week so we can connect with your child’s teacher. We feel this is an important piece so he/she can help reinforce the skills your child is learning.

This is a slow and deep process.  The focus of our classes are not about “managing” behaviors but rather teaching skills that begins to create a shift for students and parents.  Once these skills are learned, the students will be empowered to problem solve social situations that were once difficult for them.

We welcome any questions you have! If you would like to talk with us more about our classes, please reach out to us at confidentsolutions7@gmail.com.

With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy

Nature's Heart 1 wm quote


Friday’s Inspiration

Growth 2 wm for website.jpg

This is one of our favorite quotes mixed with a picture of a bloom that Christina took while visiting the Biltmore House in North Carolina.  It’s a good reminder for us, as parents, to keep moving forward in helping our children by setting reachable expectations and goals.

We would love for you to check us out on Facebook as well! We are trying to “go live” once a week with questions people have written to us regarding IEPs, 504s, schools, etc.  If you have a question or a topic you would like to see, please e-mail it to us at confidentsolutions7@gmail.com.  To connect with us on FB, please click here https://www.facebook.com/Confident-Solutions-975856712534020/

We wish you all a wonderful weekend full of growth!

With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy

And the Winner Is…

Thank you for all of your nominations letting us know how special and unique your child’s teacher is!  We have enjoyed reading them!

The winner of the $50.00 Target gift card is Jennifer Flowers with Cabarrus County Schools.  She is a first grade teacher who, according to her teacher nomination, has “demonstrated a positive, collaborative, supportive approach of care towards her student as well as the parents”.  We are thankful for teachers like Ms. Flowers who are willing to go that extra step helping a child succeed.

Every teacher that was nominated will receive a hand crafted card of thanks.


Wishing your families a Happy Thanksgiving holiday!

With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy

Middle Schoolers OTB (Outside The Box) Club

Please click here for the registration form registration-for-middle-school-otb-club

Middle school can be a challenging time socially.  It can be especially challenging understanding the “hidden” social rules, nonverbal language and all of the “grey” areas that exist.  Beginning in January, we will host a middle school hang out for teaching, learning, and practicing all of those grey areas in a fun environment.   The classes will be the second and fourth Friday of every month from 6:30-7:30 p.m.  Each class, of no more than ten, will be a diverse group of students.  The mixture of 6th-8th graders will be students who need to strengthen their overall social skills with kids who have strong social skills.  We feel it is important to be able to support this age range in more of a natural environment with peers so they can have help in bringing awareness and strengthen  self-monitoring skills to “grey” area situations.  For example, grey areas may consist of times such as losing a game, having someone being perceived as “cheating”, or knowing how to start and hold a conversation socially with a peer or group of peers.

The cost for each class is $20.00.  Upcoming dates are listed below. Registration will remain open unless a class becomes full.  Any full classes will be listed on our website. You may register ahead of time to reserve your child’s spot. You also have the option of registering the week of the class (as long as it is not full).

To register, please fill out at least one registration form found in the link above and e-mail it to us at confidentsolutions7@gmail.com.  We will send you a PayPal link to complete your registration. All classes are held at 9700 Research Dr., Suite 132, Charlotte, NC 28262.

Upcoming Dates:

January 13th

January 27th

February 10th

February 24th

March 10th

March 24th

We are excited about this particular group of classes as we help support our middle school children gain tools in being more successful socially in their natural environments! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to drop us a note at confidentsolutions7@hotmail.com.


With Appreciation,

Wendy and Christina


Upcoming events 



Teaching Our Children to Be Includers

We have all read the beautiful story about a middle school child who walks into the lunchroom to sit by another student who is alone.  Maybe the child sitting alone has a disability, maybe not.  Maybe that child has unique quirks that are difficult to understand.  Maybe that child has a difficult home life or is battling an inner war we know nothing about.  Maybe not.  Maybe that child is just in need of a friend.

We grow up in categories and are lumped into groups….regular education, special education, speech delay, gifted and talented.  These groups stick with children for most of their school life. During a time of trying to figure out who they are, they are given titles to identify themselves. They look around for peers with a similar title and try to fit in.

We are firm believers that all children have gifts. There are children who can walk into a room and make everyone feel happy and wanted. Others can make a seed sprout into a plant with just dirt and water. While there are other children who understand math quickly or are talented in music. With the proper guidance, each of these kids will grow into happy, healthy adults. We must teach our children how to accept each other. The math whiz can be great friends with the farmer. Or they can decide not to be friends, but still recognize the importance of the other’s gift. No matter the gifts your child has, we need to model for and teach to our children how to accept each other for exactly who they are. We need to teach our children that their gifts are special and unique to them, but it does not take away from someone else’s gift. We are showing our children that there is enough for all of us; enough love, kindness, and happiness. Once we know this and teach it to our children they will begin to embrace who they are without labels. Some of these children will cross the barrier and sit with the kid who is sitting alone. These kids will continue to inspire all of us to be more compassionate.



With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy

The Journey


With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy