October is Dyslexia Awareness Month

October also shines a light with bringing awareness to Dyslexia.  We wanted to share resources for yourself, for your family, and for your child’s school.  Awareness creates understanding which then empowers those around us to be able to see the struggles our children experience.  We are then better equipped to help and teach them in a way they can be successful.

One terrific resource is the International Dyslexia Association:



Read here to find out common signs and symptoms of Dyslexia starting from preschool-high school:



Click here to experience how a child is dealing with a learning or attention difficulty:



Of course, we feel that all children benefit from being taught as if they have Dyslexia. If you’re interested in hearing more about Orton-Gillingham or a multi-sensory approach to teaching reading, please contact us at confidentolustions7@gmail.com.  Read below for an interesting article on how all children benefit:



Some research on how a Dyslexic brain works:



20 Things parents of children with Dyslexia would understand:

Dyslexia in the general education classroom:



Different types of Dyslexia:

Dyslexia and the law. Can my child receive an IEP, 504 plan, or accommodations? (Hint: Dyslexia is considered a learning disability, which is recognized in schools) :




An excellent book on Dyslexia:


Frequently asked questions:


From Learning Disabilitlies Association of America:


Question and answer session on the benefits of having Dyslexia:


Christina tutors students of all ages with Dyslexia and learning disabilities using Orton-Gillingham.  If interested in more details, please reach out to us at confidentsolutions7@gmail.com.
With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy 


Dysleic strenght

October is ADHD Awareness Month

October is awareness month for ADHD. We wanted to share some resources for understanding ADHD whether it’s for yourself, for you to share with family members, or with your child’s school.  Having awareness and understanding is the first step in helping a child. 

Read here for understanding symptoms of ADHD:

Here it uncovers myths and misunderstandings about ADHD:

The Science of ADHD:


ADHD and Advocacy:

Can your child with ADHD receive an IEP or a 504 plan? 

For an excellent magazine on ADD, check out ADDitude:

The three types of ADHD:

A fabulous website for information on learning and attention:

A quick one minute video summarizing ADHD:


If you have questions about where to start or how to continue on your journey with ADD/ADHD, our door is always open! Please reach out to us at confidentsolutions7@gmail.com.

With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy

Please visit ADDitude’s website for more truths about ADHD. https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-is-not-fake/

Free Parent Class on How to Effectively Communicate With Your Child’s School

Communication between you and your child’s school is a key piece to building a working relationship.  As you strengthen communication, your meetings often run more smoothly.  Please join us on Wednesday, October 4th from 12:00-1:00 as we discuss effective communication techniques. Some of the topics we will discuss are: what to include in your email communication; how to know who to include in your email; how do you clearly state your intent; and how to organize and keep track of your communications.

This class is created from questions that we receive on a daily basis. It will provide you with useful tools that you can incorporate throughout the school year.

Please e-mail us at confidentsolutions7@gmail.com to let us know you’re coming!

With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy


Happy Friday everyone! We wanted to talk, specifically, to all of you moms, dads, grandparents, and caregivers this morning.  We know first hand how being a parent of a child with special needs goes hand in hand with receiving more negative comments, judgmental statements or feedback.  Sometimes those comments come from your child’s school.  Sometimes it comes from a neighbor.  Maybe it’s a look you get from a stranger while just trying to accomplish your grocery shopping.  At times, it’s delivered from a friend.  We do believe those negative comments are a reflection of where that person is in their lives; their own personal level of awareness.  Even when understanding this,  your heart doesn’t sting any less when being on the receiving end.

It’s so important to find the positive moments in each day and note them.  Write those moments of positivity down in a journal, state them out loud, or say them quietly to yourself. Even if you start with just one a day. There is always something positive to be found.  At first, you may have to look deeper.  For example, yesterday I said a moment of “thanks” for not having to drive on I-85 for the day.  This morning I said “thanks” for the amazing, wonderful and rare morning we all had before school.  What we can promise you is, once you start noticing a positive moment in your day, you begin to shift.  You begin to notice more of them and, over time, the negative comments do not sting or stick to you like they once did.

Give it a try.  Set a goal. For 30 days notice at least one positive thing in your day.

What are you thankful for today?

With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy


Grateful 2 wm 1

Independent Evaluations and RTI

We wanted to share two articles we recently read from ECAC’s blog archives.  Both have valuable information so we wanted to share them with you! The first article talks about when to consider an Independent Educational Evaluation and the second article talks about evaluations while your child is in the RTI process.  You can find the link to those articles here https://askecac.org/tag/evaluation/

With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy

One More Week for Registrations

Good Morning! Registration for our next sessions of social skills classes are open for one more week.  Classes begin this coming Sunday!  For details, please click here Registration for Social Skills Classes Feb.26-April 2

Questions about our classes?  Send us an e-mail to confidentsolutions7@gmail.com.  We love connecting with you!


With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy

March’s Free Parent IEP Class

Our next free parent/guardian class on understanding the components of an IEP will be held on Wednesday, March 15th. Due to the needs of families, we have a drop in time from 11:00-1:00.  Please join us during this time at your convenience and bring your questions. We are finding it to be most helpful for families to have the opportunity to ask individual questions about an IEP process or specific parts of an IEP. We still love to hear that you’re able to drop in! Please send us an e-mail to confidentsolutions7@gmail.com. Classes are held at 9700 Research Dr., Suite 132, Charlotte, NC 28262. We look forward to seeing you!

With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy


February’s IEP Class

Our next free parent/guardian class on understanding the components of an IEP will be held on Wednesday, February 15th.   Due to the needs of families, we have changed the time from 11:00-1:00.  This will be a “drop” in time.  Please join us during this time at your convenience and bring your questions.  We are finding it to be most helpful for families to have the opportunity to ask individual questions about an IEP process or specific parts of an IEP.  We still love to hear that you’re able to drop in! Please send us an e-mail to confidentsolutions7@gmail.com. Classes are held at 9700 Research Dr., Suite 132, Charlotte, NC 28262.  We look forward to seeing you!

With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy
