October is Dyslexia Awareness Month

October also shines a light with bringing awareness to Dyslexia.  We wanted to share resources for yourself, for your family, and for your child’s school.  Awareness creates understanding which then empowers those around us to be able to see the struggles our children experience.  We are then better equipped to help and teach them in a way they can be successful.

One terrific resource is the International Dyslexia Association:



Read here to find out common signs and symptoms of Dyslexia starting from preschool-high school:



Click here to experience how a child is dealing with a learning or attention difficulty:



Of course, we feel that all children benefit from being taught as if they have Dyslexia. If you’re interested in hearing more about Orton-Gillingham or a multi-sensory approach to teaching reading, please contact us at confidentolustions7@gmail.com.  Read below for an interesting article on how all children benefit:



Some research on how a Dyslexic brain works:



20 Things parents of children with Dyslexia would understand:

Dyslexia in the general education classroom:



Different types of Dyslexia:

Dyslexia and the law. Can my child receive an IEP, 504 plan, or accommodations? (Hint: Dyslexia is considered a learning disability, which is recognized in schools) :




An excellent book on Dyslexia:


Frequently asked questions:


From Learning Disabilitlies Association of America:


Question and answer session on the benefits of having Dyslexia:


Christina tutors students of all ages with Dyslexia and learning disabilities using Orton-Gillingham.  If interested in more details, please reach out to us at confidentsolutions7@gmail.com.
With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy 


Dysleic strenght

October is ADHD Awareness Month

October is awareness month for ADHD. We wanted to share some resources for understanding ADHD whether it’s for yourself, for you to share with family members, or with your child’s school.  Having awareness and understanding is the first step in helping a child. 

Read here for understanding symptoms of ADHD:

Here it uncovers myths and misunderstandings about ADHD:

The Science of ADHD:


ADHD and Advocacy:

Can your child with ADHD receive an IEP or a 504 plan? 

For an excellent magazine on ADD, check out ADDitude:

The three types of ADHD:

A fabulous website for information on learning and attention:

A quick one minute video summarizing ADHD:


If you have questions about where to start or how to continue on your journey with ADD/ADHD, our door is always open! Please reach out to us at confidentsolutions7@gmail.com.

With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy

Please visit ADDitude’s website for more truths about ADHD. https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-is-not-fake/

Resource for Schools

We both love organization and being able to find what we need quick and easily.  Especially when it comes to paperwork. We have created these forms for schools to use within EC files.  “Unit 1” will clip together a full set of paperwork for a child.  From there, you can divide the sets of paperwork with the cover sheet of Unit 2.  We have used these in the past and NCDPI has commented to us how helpful it was when going through EC files.  Once the paperwork is put in each child’s folder, you can put one of these cover sheets to divide each section.  You can print it on colored paper to see it clearly, or use a binder clip at the bottom to clip each section together.  We recommend having the newest paperwork on top and then progressing down from there.  Typically, your first unit will be at the bottom  of the file.

Please let us know if you have any questions or need help organizing your EC files in your school.



With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy



Sign Up for Social Skills Groups



IEP Snapshot



We have created an IEP Snapshot for you to download and share with general education teachers. Please click on the blue link just above this paragraph. Whether you’re a special educator or a parent, it’s an easy tool that allows you to write the quick IEP essentials for the general education teacher.  Typically, we liked to fill in the details, slide them in a page protector,  and give them to the general education teachers (including the specials or connect teachers).  This way, they have a quick reference to remember those accommodations, modification, and goals that your team decided upon.  We hope you find it useful!


We would like to thank Maria Hartemann for the use of her beautiful hummingbird zentangle for the IEP Snapshot.  If you would like to see more of her work, check out her Etsy shop at https://www.etsy.com/shop/joyfulmamadesigns


With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy

Know Your Forms-IEPs

This is the last post in the “Know Your Forms” series.  It is a lengthy one, however, we feel it is important to understand all pieces of your child’s IEP (whether it’s your child’s first one or the annual review).  Your team should discuss each piece of the IEP during your meeting.

You’ve been through the process and you are FINALLY at the point where your child is eligible for an IEP. IEP stands for Individualized Education Plan. The IEP meeting can be held at the same time as the eligibility meeting or it can be held up to 10 days after the eligibility meeting, but still within the 90 day deadline (Know Your Forms-Eligibility and  Know Your Forms-Referral For Help). After your initial IEP meeting, you will have this meeting annually to review your child’s progress and update his/her goals.

You should receive an invitation to the IEP meeting. You always have the right to ask for a different day or time. Your child’s team should be present for all special education meetings.  (Who Is On Your Child’s Team?).

The first section of the IEP reviews your child’s strengths, any progress he/she has made, and how your child performed on any assessments. This will be a summary of all the data that you have already discussed at the initial referral and eligibility meetings.   If it’s the annual review of your child’s IEP, it will be a summary of data on his/her goals, testing data, and progress from the year.

After this, you will be asked for any concerns you have for enhancing your child’s education and what your vision is for your child’s future.  Take your time here! Really think about your concerns regarding your child’s education. When considering your vision for your child’s future, you can consider the future to be tomorrow, the end of the school year, or even after your child has finished school.  This is something that you can prepare ahead of time and bring with you to your child’s IEP meeting.

Next, the special education teacher will ask if there are any upcoming transitions for your child as well as document any special factors ( such as deaf, blind, special communication needs, specially designed physical education, or limited English proficiency).

The next area is known as “PLOP”–Present Level of performance and written goals.  You will have a separate page for each area of your child’s needs.  For example, you could have a present level summary and goals for  math and another one for reading.  Measurable annual goals will be written to match your child’s present level of performance summary.  You may also have short term objectives or benchmarks written. This is required if your child is on extended standards. Some districts do not require objectives or benchmarks for annual goals if your child is following the standard course of study.  Each annual goal will align to the common core/ NC standard course of study for your child’s current grade level. At the bottom of  each present level and goals page, your special education teacher will document how he or she will gather data to track your child’s goals.  For example, it could be through anecdotal notes and student work samples.  It is ok to speak up here too. Make recommendations or express concerns. Don’t worry if you don’t know the verbage or how to fully express what you want. The team should help with this. During this time, the team will also decide if any related service your child qualified for should be integrated into this goal or if any assistive technology is needed.  What that means is, if your child is also going to receive speech language services or occupational therapy services, will those therapists also work on the same goal as the special education teacher?   Typically,  you will receive a progress report on your child’s IEP goals with each report card.

Accommodations and modifications, North Carolina testing, and least restrictive environment will be discussed next. Accommodations are a way the general education teacher (i.e.. classroom teacher) can help your child be more successful in his/her school day. For example, an accommodation may be that your child uses a slant board and a modified pencil during writing assignments. A modification is typically done by a special education teacher and related service providers but can be used in the regular education classroom. Modifications are specific strategies and tools that will help your child achieve their IEP goals. For the North Carolina testing program, your team will decide what accommodations or modifications are necessary for your child.  For example, your team may decide that your child needs extended time on tests or needs to be tested in a smaller group in a separate room. Any accommodations for any state test must be implemented throughout the year for classroom tests. Please remember that you can always make suggestions for accommodations that you have seen your child use successfully. You are a part of your child’s team.  Least restrictive environment (LRE) will be discussed and decided upon next. This will determine where your child will receive their special support within the general education classroom or the resource classroom. If the team decides that your child will be more successful within the resource classroom, a statement will be written justifying why the decision was made to pull them from the general education classroom.

Please note that this section of your child’s IEP could be “visually overwhelming”. It breaks down your child’s school day (including lunch, core academic subjects, and specials/connect classes) into sections where each accommodation is listed in detail. 

The team will then consider how much time is needed for specially designed instruction. Services will be broken down into how many times per week, month, or reporting period and for how many minutes per session. This includes times spent with the special education teacher as well as times with any related service providers.

Continuum of Placement should be considered next. This is the percentage of minutes your child spends away from their general education classroom. If your child attends a special education preschool or is served in a different setting (home, separate school, etc.) there is a box to be checked.

The last few boxes let you know how you will receive progress reports (typically sent with report cards). Extended School Year can be considered during this meeting, but typically is a separate meeting if your child is a candidate. Finally, everyone will sign the IEP. If this is your child’s first IEP, you will also sign a form called a DEC6. This simply is a form granting the school permission to serve your child in special education.  As always, you will also sign and receive the DEC 5 The Importance of a DEC5

A note for High School students: once your child is 14 years of age, he/she will be invited to attend the IEP meeting.

This meeting can be LONG. If you need a break, don’t hesitate to ask for one. This document is very important, but it’s also fluid. You or any other team member can call a meeting to reconsider any part of the IEP at any time.

Our intent with this post was to give you a general idea of what to expect during your child’s IEP meeting, understanding the IEP (which is also called a DEC 4),  and how to be prepared. This document is very detailed and lengthy. As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email .


With appreciation,

Wendy and Christina




Know Your Forms-Eligibility

After you’ve had your initial meeting (Know Your Forms-Referral For Help), the next meeting will be to discuss all the data and any new evaluations that have taken place since your last meeting.  There are  14 categories a child can qualify under in North Carolina.  They are the following: Autism, Deaf-Blindness, Deafness, Developmental Delay, Serious Emotional Disability, Hearing Impairment, Intellectual Disability, Multiple Disabilities, Orthopedic Impairment, Other Health Impairment, Specific Learning Disability, Speech or Language Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Visual Impairment including blindness.  Your child must meet at least one of these areas to qualify for special education in North Carolina. There are times where a student will meet two of the criteria and you can list a primary disability and a secondary disability on the eligibility form.

Each of the fourteen areas have their own worksheet with specific criteria for qualification.   Again, here is the link to a list of the worksheets and forms from NCDPI http://ec.ncpublicschools.gov/policies/forms/statewide-forms    Your team will meet to discuss the overall evaluations which were conducted and any new data as well as review which categories your child may fit best under.  Each worksheet for each possible category must be filled out and discussed at your child’s eligibility meeting. Remember, you are meeting as a team (Who Is On Your Child’s Team?).  If your child meets the criteria on at least one of the worksheets, the team can then decide that he/she qualifies for specialized education and you can then move on towards writing an IEP (Individualized Education Plan). The DEC 3 form will also be filled out and all members of the team will sign the form in agreement.  It is common to move directly into developing an IEP (Individualized Education Plan).  To keep this post shorter and focused on the eligibility requirements, we are going to have a separate post this week regarding the IEP.

After this meeting, you will have a copy of the following forms: Invitation to the meeting, Eligibility Determination (also known as a DEC 3), the completed worksheets of the categories that were discussed at the meeting, and the DEC 5 (The Importance of a DEC5).

This determination is good for 3 years.  Every three years, your child’s special education teacher (0r case manager) will have a Reevaluation meeting (the form is called a DEC 7) to review your child’s data as a team.  The team will decide if he/she continues to meet the criteria for the disability and a new DEC 3 form as well as the qualifying worksheet(s) will once again be filled out and discussed.  It is a good idea to keep all of your copies of your child’s paperwork organized at home. It’s also a good idea to be aware of the last time your child had his/her Eligibility Evaluation meeting and when his/her three-year mark is up.

As always, your school should offer you a copy of the Parents Rights and Responsibilities Handbook in Special Education at each meeting.  Here is a link with the newest copy of the handbook: http://ec.ncpublicschools.gov/parent-resources/ecparenthandbook.pdf

If you have any questions about a referral or eligibility meeting, drop us an e-mail at confidentsolutions7@gmail.com. We love hearing from you!

With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy


Know Your Forms-Referral For Help

In order to be prepared for a meeting, it is important to know your forms. We’re going to break down the forms into separate blog posts because it can be confusing as there are several forms for each step. This post is for initial referrals for specialized help.  Please also refer to the post The Importance of a DEC5

An excellent reference to all of the forms is the North Carolina’s Department of Public Instructions (NCDPI) page. http://ec.ncpublicschools.gov/policies/forms/statewide-forms This page tells you what each form is and even gives directions on how it should be filled out.  Do not hesitate to also call or e-mail your child’s case manager with questions about the process, forms, or information you would like to see noted.

Before every meeting, you will receive a paper invitation stating the day and time of your meeting.  If there is a conflict, you can write on the form requesting a second option and send it back to the school.  If the day and time work, you sign the invitation and send it back to the school.  You can also write in the people you are bringing to the meeting on this form. Examples would include tutors, therapists, advocates, or psychologists.

Most schools will have a draft prepared before you arrive. You can request to see the draft prior to the meeting so you are also prepared for what will be discussed. Always remember, you are part of your child’s team. You have the right to add information or even make suggestions for how some things can be worded.

At this initial referral meeting, your child’s team will first address if your child has had a recent vision and hearing screening. This rules out your child’s specific needs are not caused by any possible hearing or vision problems.  You will then discuss his/her strengths in all academic and functional areas (such as reading, writing, math, gross and fine motor skills, and daily living activities).  The next step will be to address any areas of concerns and any medical diagnosis your child may have.  After discussing and documenting the areas of concern, your team will then decide one of three things: The first option is for no evaluations to be conducted based on the information reviewed. A statement will be written to explain this decision. If this choice is made, the special education process stops.  However, there are times the team decides your child would benefit from a 504 Plan.  That will be a separate meeting.  For the differences in IEPs and 504s, please check out our blog post 504 and IEP’s: What’s the difference?  The second option is the team determines the current data is enough to say your child qualifies for one of the 14 disabling conditions North Carolina recognizes. This most typically would happen when a child is aging in to the school district through early intervention. The third option would be to conduct evaluations.  The team may decide they need more data such as a speech and language therapy evaluation or a psychological and educational evaluation.   If you decide on option 3, then you will also then sign a form called a DEC 2 which gives permission for your child to receive these evaluations. The third option is the most common.

The process for a referral, which includes gathering more data through evaluations if necessary,  is 90 days.  The end of 90 days date will be marked on your initial referral paperwork which is also called a DEC 1.

By the end of this meeting, you should have a copy of the following paperwork: Invitation To the Meeting, the Referral (also known as a DEC1 form), the Prior Notice/DEC 5 (The Importance of a DEC5) and the Informed Consent for Evaluation (also known as the DEC 2 form) if the team decided to collect more evaluations.  It is a good idea to start a new file folder or have an organized place to file these forms.  That way, you can easily access them when you have questions or concerns for your child’s school or need to refer to them for counselors, etc.

With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy






Who Is On Your Child’s Team?

As we begin a new school year, it’s helpful to remember who is on your child’s team at school.   By definition, a team is “a number of persons associated in some joint action.”  Special education meetings are made up of a team that meets to discuss and make decisions about your child’s specialized needs.  Ideally, just like a team, all members are participating for one common goal…to help your child succeed.  There are certain members that are required to attend each meeting and it is okay to put a meeting on hold until all members are there.

So who is on your child’s team?  Who should be at a meeting to discuss your child’s specific needs in special education?  Teachers are stretched for time these days with the requirements that are put on them by the state.  However, legally, you should not have a meeting when one of these members is absent. These members must be present even if your child is in a separate setting and even if your child is a “speech only” student.  They are the following:

LEA Representative: This will typically be your school’s principal or assistant principal. This person is responsible for making any final decisions and is the person who has all knowledge regarding budget and how your district meets state and federal requirements.

Regular Education Teacher: Typically, your child’s general education teacher will be at your meeting.  There are times, however, where another teacher that works with your child may be in attendance.  Sometimes, there may be more than one general education teacher that attends.  This is more frequent in middle and high school where your child has several general education teachers. Even if your child is in a separate setting, there should still be a regular education teacher present from your child’s grade.

Special Education Teacher:  The exceptional education teacher will most likely be running most of your meetings and answering specific questions regarding the process.  This EC teacher will typically also be your child’s case manager and the contact person for specific questions.

Parent or Guardian: This will be yourself.

If the meeting is to discuss special education services from a school evaluation, than someone who is qualified to interpret the results needs to be present (for example, a school psychologist or a speech language therapist).

As a parent, you also have the right to bring people who can speak on behalf of your child such as: advocates, your child’s tutor, therapist, or person that privately evaluated your child to the meeting.  When you receive your invitation to your child’s meeting, you can write in who you are bringing to the meeting as part of your child’s team.  Once your child turns 14, he/she is legally invited to attend the meetings as well.


With Appreciation,

Christina and Wendy


Shout Out to Special Education Staff

As the beginning of the school year approaches, Christina and Wendy would like to say THANK YOU to all of the special education staff, including related service providers (such as speech language, occupational, and physical therapists) working in public schools. Your job isn’t easy and we appreciate you! We have first hand knowledge of how hard you work and how much you care.

Parents, please remember that most of the people who work with your children choose this profession because they want to make a difference in your child’s life. They don’t come with ill intentions or to do your child harm.

Teachers, please remember that as parents of children with disabilities, we can struggle to fully release our children. We want what’s best for our children and most parents want to form a partnership with you.  We like to share information about our children and feel like we’ve been heard.  As parents of children with unique needs, we will do our best to be open to hearing your voice throughout the year as well.  We want to build a partnership founded in trust.

Let’s all remember that it’s ok to disagree about how to reach our common goals. Recognize, as parents and educators, that sometimes conflict can be a learning tool to find a compromise and practice compassion. Maybe you give more this time and maybe they do next time. Listen with your whole heart to what the other person is saying. Try and be open, seeing it from their perspective. Parent’s know more about their child than anyone else.  Teachers see a  side of your child at school that you may not be aware of.  Come to your meetings with the child’s best interest at heart, leaving past negative experiences at the door.  This just may be the year that your child has a Rock Star special educator.  When we start the year off with gratitude and positive thoughts, it helps set a tone of love and acceptance for your child in school.

Sending love and appreciation to all of the special educators, related service providers and parents of children with special needs.

Wendy and Christina


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