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Shout Out to Special Education Staff

As the beginning of the school year approaches, Christina and Wendy would like to say THANK YOU to all of the special education staff, including related service providers (such as speech language, occupational, and physical therapists) working in public schools. Your job isn’t easy and we appreciate you! We have first hand knowledge of how hard you work and how much you care.

Parents, please remember that most of the people who work with your children choose this profession because they want to make a difference in your child’s life. They don’t come with ill intentions or to do your child harm.

Teachers, please remember that as parents of children with disabilities, we can struggle to fully release our children. We want what’s best for our children and most parents want to form a partnership with you.  We like to share information about our children and feel like we’ve been heard.  As parents of children with unique needs, we will do our best to be open to hearing your voice throughout the year as well.  We want to build a partnership founded in trust.

Let’s all remember that it’s ok to disagree about how to reach our common goals. Recognize, as parents and educators, that sometimes conflict can be a learning tool to find a compromise and practice compassion. Maybe you give more this time and maybe they do next time. Listen with your whole heart to what the other person is saying. Try and be open, seeing it from their perspective. Parent’s know more about their child than anyone else.  Teachers see a  side of your child at school that you may not be aware of.  Come to your meetings with the child’s best interest at heart, leaving past negative experiences at the door.  This just may be the year that your child has a Rock Star special educator.  When we start the year off with gratitude and positive thoughts, it helps set a tone of love and acceptance for your child in school.

Sending love and appreciation to all of the special educators, related service providers and parents of children with special needs.

Wendy and Christina


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